Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sick with the plague...

Sooo much disease, not enough time. This entire week has been a blur of sore throats, sore necks, and sleeping whenever possible. I'm finally able to use my computer and am working on my poster right now but seem to have hit a creative block that I can't seem to get over...stay tuned:(

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cool New Look.

So I may or may not have changed my blog a bit...

I played with the layers masks on the text, pictures and background. I also used some of the filters to attempt to create text that looks like it's disappearing. I edited the background and my color balances to add some colour, i also had to crop myself out from the background of the entire picture that I had chosen. All in all, a lot of work...but it was pretty successful. The only thing that sucks is it's pretty pixelly because i didn't design it to the right dimensions at first. But hey, lesson learned, and who's complaining anyway?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Our Class...and a Movie Poster

Here is my pimped out gimp creation for our assignment to create an "our class" logo. I also played around with layer masks a bit in this assignment because I thought it would add to it. I'll be posting my layer mask banner assignment tomorrow, got a sweet vision that I've just got to get all finished up!
PS, here's an interesting movie poster that I'm a huge fan of...I stumbled across a site full of movie and tv show posters that were very minimalist and simple. I found them all really fascinating. Take a looksie at one of my favourites below!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Some News...and a short Cell Phone Bible Story

Just a little heads up, look forward to my next post tonight, it's going to be my GIMP assignments/experiments. You might be impressed.

In other news...last night I dropped my phone in the toilet. My very expensive phone pretty much JUMPED out of my pocket and DOVE into the water. And we're talking ker-plunk, sploosh, splash, soaking wet water everywhere folks. Not a pretty sight...So, after reaching into the toilet and collecting my phone (don't was clean water) I watched as the colours of my background faded from normal blue to acid green to angry orange to fiery, demonic red. It appeared as if my phone did not enjoy taking a little bath. Who woulda thought? When I finally tore my eyes away from the demonic red colour of my phone's screen that seemed to be screaming "Yes I am going to explode in your hand any second now" I flipped my phone over and took the battery out. Needless to say there was a combination of, "well, I love my life" and "well, my parents are probably going to be SO impressed!" going through my head. Oh well...they raised me, their fault. Long story short, I went home, threw my phone in a bowl of rice and prayed to the cell phone gods, angels, and fairies, that when I woke up in the morning it would all be okay.
Sunday morning...I wake up. I take my phone out of the rice and shake it profusely to get all of the little grains out of the expensive mechanical thingers inside my phone. I put my battery in, and slide the back of my phone shut. My fingers press and hold down the red button that should power up my phone. One second slips by, then two, then five, then eight...and still nothing. I begin to lose hope, my faith in the cellphone gods has been lost, and it's starting to look like I stuck my hand in a toilet bowl for no reason...
But wait, the screen began to turn on...and it looked normal. After a few minutes of use and experimentation, my phone appeared to work as if nothing had ever happened. Cell phone gods, fairies, and angels, you have answered my prayers. In the end, I have learned my lesson, and this should pretty much become a bible story for children studying faith in the cell phone gods. Jusss sayin' don't drop your phone in the toilet kids.
Amen ,

Saturday, September 11, 2010

So...How's The Weather?

Hey...This is rachel, rachel cannon. Know my name? Great. Don't know my name? Well now you do.
So I think the point of this post is to introduce you to who I am, which means... so far, so good! The only unfortunate part is this is as far as I can get before I run out of things to say. It's like that awkward thing where you're making small talk and then there's an eerie silence and someone's forced to ask "'s the weather?". Awkward. This whole situation actually reminds me of a great video. FYI...if I could choose one actress to play myself in a movie it would be Kat Dennings (the girl in the video below).

Well let's make it easy. My name is Rachel Cannon, I live in Goderich and have all my life. I love softball and have played it every summer for ten years seriously...I love it. I don't like the noise that comes from alarm clocks and hate being tired. If I was forced to eat just one thing for the rest of my life, I would probably choose soup. Do you know how many different kinds of soup there are? Infinite amounts. I bet you didn't know I still have the same teddy bear that I had when I was two, well now you do! I also am betting that you didn't know my room is a mess and covered in an unreal amount of clothes (I have a lot of clothes...and by a lot...i mean a lot). You know, blogs are so weird, I never feel like I have enough to say that someone would actually want to read.
Sidenote: One of the funniest blogs that I've ever read is Hyperbole and a Half, consider and laugh at this post on the word "alot". No...not "a lot" ..."alot". I wish I had as much to say and could say it as hilariously as this blogger can. But I don't...soooo...maybe I should apologize or something.
Anywho, just thought I'd give you a little introduction. If you really want, you can keep reading my blog...if you don't then thanks for wasting your time! And if you're Mr. Alexander... you have to read my blog ! haaaa ..
Peace and love for now,

Kid's Got Some Skill...

I mean I guess he's got a little bit of skill or whatever to be able to play like this...right? No big deal or anything, he's just pretty amazing.