Sunday, September 12, 2010

Some News...and a short Cell Phone Bible Story

Just a little heads up, look forward to my next post tonight, it's going to be my GIMP assignments/experiments. You might be impressed.

In other news...last night I dropped my phone in the toilet. My very expensive phone pretty much JUMPED out of my pocket and DOVE into the water. And we're talking ker-plunk, sploosh, splash, soaking wet water everywhere folks. Not a pretty sight...So, after reaching into the toilet and collecting my phone (don't was clean water) I watched as the colours of my background faded from normal blue to acid green to angry orange to fiery, demonic red. It appeared as if my phone did not enjoy taking a little bath. Who woulda thought? When I finally tore my eyes away from the demonic red colour of my phone's screen that seemed to be screaming "Yes I am going to explode in your hand any second now" I flipped my phone over and took the battery out. Needless to say there was a combination of, "well, I love my life" and "well, my parents are probably going to be SO impressed!" going through my head. Oh well...they raised me, their fault. Long story short, I went home, threw my phone in a bowl of rice and prayed to the cell phone gods, angels, and fairies, that when I woke up in the morning it would all be okay.
Sunday morning...I wake up. I take my phone out of the rice and shake it profusely to get all of the little grains out of the expensive mechanical thingers inside my phone. I put my battery in, and slide the back of my phone shut. My fingers press and hold down the red button that should power up my phone. One second slips by, then two, then five, then eight...and still nothing. I begin to lose hope, my faith in the cellphone gods has been lost, and it's starting to look like I stuck my hand in a toilet bowl for no reason...
But wait, the screen began to turn on...and it looked normal. After a few minutes of use and experimentation, my phone appeared to work as if nothing had ever happened. Cell phone gods, fairies, and angels, you have answered my prayers. In the end, I have learned my lesson, and this should pretty much become a bible story for children studying faith in the cell phone gods. Jusss sayin' don't drop your phone in the toilet kids.
Amen ,

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